Methow Valley Riding Unlimited
Where horses and humans connect.
Show Strawberry Some Love!

Strawberry had a rough winter due to a bout of laminitis, that started in January. This is a painful inflammatory condition of the laminae, the tissues that connect the hoof wall to the pedal bone in horses. Thankfully, we have an excellent equine veterinarian, Caitlin Campbell, and farrier, Eli Smith. They both stepped up to create the best care situation for Strawberry, which includes a specific diet, special supportive shoes, thyroid support, and other medication. The little one has been confined to a stall with deep bedding for three weeks now and is looking and acting SO MUCH happier! That said, we have a long journey ahead, with continuous evaluation and rehabilitation.
2025 Spring Registration

Happy Spring!
Our fuzzy ponies are shedding and getting in shape in anticipation of seeing their two legged friends!
MVRU is pleased to be hosting small group horsemanship lessons again this spring at our convenient location by Methow Valley Elementary School, Crown S Ranch, 7 Twin Lakes Road. Enrollment will be LIMITED so, if you are eager, register NOW!
Summer Horse Camp Registration

Registration for MVRU June Horse Camps for 5 – 9 year olds is facilitated by Little Star Montessori School in Winthrop. Enrollment opens March 10th for current Methow Valley families, and March 17th for the general public. You may sign up for these popular camps by visiting Little Star’s camp registration page.
Over 50% of MVRU students participate in equine facilitated social emotional learning and mental health services free of charge.
Interested in our equine assisted mental health services?