Buttons was an incredibly generous mare with the best work ethic of any horse we have ever known. She was BIG and impressive, while incredibly gentle and calm(most of the time!). This combination of character and athletic ability earned Buttons a large and far reaching fan club over close to two decades with Methow Valley Riding Unlimited. She was popular with the littlest riders, three of whom (maybe four?) could ride her at once, all the way through both our largest and most accomplished riders. She was our long standing vaulting horse, beginner kid, teen and adult horse, dressage and jumping horse, and helped move cows when needed. Buttons played a special role in the Let ‘Em Ride program, for elementary age kiddos and Horse Power for teens.
Our final good bye was on a spectacular fall morning. She was 28. Buttons was accompanied by her best human friends, Annie, Jasmine, Tulie and Bob, and, more importantly, her two best living equine friends, Sparks and Ginger.
Our final good bye was on a spectacular fall morning. She was 28. Buttons was accompanied by her best human friends, Annie, Jasmine, Tulie and Bob, and, more importantly, her two best living equine friends, Sparks and Ginger.

Born in 2000, this 14.1 hand, sorrel Quarter Horse is as patient and sensible as a horse can be. She came to Moccasin Lake Ranch as a four year old and quickly became a favorite because of her gentle nature and responsiveness as a saddle horse. This careful mare allows even the smallest of riders to lead, groom, and clean her hooves with confidence. Under saddle, Ginger is popular in the arena and on the trails with riders of all abilities. Started as a cutting horse, Ginger occasionally gets to show off her moves as we move cattle around the ranch. She was generously donated to MVRU by Gaye Pigott.
Ginger is owned by Methow Valley Riding Unlimited.

Myles joined the MVRU herd in December 2017. Born in 2001, he is a dark bay, 14.3 hand Cob cross who came to us from Hood River, Oregon. Myles had been Lauren Greenleaf’s partner for the past five years participating in Pony Club, eventing, dressage, Washington State High School Equestrian Team events including gaming and cattle work, and trail riding. He is steady, sane, and a complete gentleman! We're thrilled to have him on our staff!
Myles is owned by Methow Valley Riding Unlimited.

Sparks Fly is a typy 14 hand Welsh/Welsh Cob mare, born in 2000. Sparks is super smart and athletic with plenty of ‘go’. Her lovely disposition, ground manners and darling face, endear her to riders immediately. She is super fun to jump and a fantastic trail pony.
Sparks was donated to MVRU in February of 2012 by former MVRU rider Devon Trepess and her mom, Tracey March.
Sparks is owned and generously loaned by Jasmine Minbashian.

Strawberry is the newest addition to the MVRU herd, joining us in February 2018. Born in 2010, she is a purebred Welsh pony, measuring in at just 13.1 hands. The Welsh Pony breed is known for its intelligence and surefootedness and Strawberry is no exception. Her sweet, gentle temperament is a wonderful complement to her free-flowing movement and athletic jumping skills.
Strawberry is owned by Methow Valley Riding Unlimited.

Wall*E joined the MVRU team in 2018. He was born in 2000 and is a Thoroughbred/Welsh cross, but comes in at just 13.1 hands! He has successfully competed through Novice level eventing. Wall*E is EXCELLENT on the lunge lines, which makes him perfect for our littlest riders testing out their first posting trot.
Wall*E is owned by Methow Valley Riding Unlimited.